1. Figure 9
2. As previously noted, it would be desirable to characterize the normalized power spectra using approach boundary layer flow parameters leading to the shocklboundary layer interaction zone. This i s a consequence of the ambiguity of definitizing length and velocity scales. Accordingly the power spectra for attached flow w i l l be used as given by Equation (4) where k' has been defined as k' = ZF-ZA to match the roll-off a t high frequency (F > 2000 Hz) for attached boundary layer flow. Moreover, the boundary layer charcteristic parameters of velocity and length w i l l assume the approach flow values designated by the subscript 1. The augmentation in the power spectra due to the low frequency components w i l l be the sole effect of the normalized rms fluctuating pressure at peak and plateau levels.
3. The author wishes to acknowledge the sponsorship of this work under U.S. A i r Force contract F33615-87-R-3227 entitled, "Thermo-Vibro-Acoustic Loads and Fatigue of Hypersonic Flight Vehicle Structures". The work i s monitored by WPABF-WRDC/FIBG.