1. where Om = w /k i s the maximum amp 1itude o f r o l l ang?e, k the dimension 1ess reduced frequency (k = k* L/U, where k* i s the dimensional frequency and L i s the root chord) and il i s a unit vector parallel to the x-axis of the moving frame o f reference. In the present cases, 'max = 7412 = 15', k = 1.337 and 0 = 0.35. The corresponding period of oscillation i s 4.7. the time step At = 0.00075 (the application here i s for sharp-edged wing) and hence each cycle o f oscillation takes 6267 time steps. Next, we show the details o f SP, CFV, CFM-contours and TPLcontours during the periodic response, which das achieved during the third cycle of oscillation. These are given i n Figs. 2-6.
2. This research work has been supported by NASA Langley Research Center under grant number NAG-1-648.