1. As a first step, triangularized surface data of the X-48B wind tunnel model was imported into Matlab to generate suitable input files for the different analysis tools. Model data provided by the NASA Langley Configuration Aerodynamics Branch is a Tecplot data file of the 2% scale wind tunnel model of the Boeing BWB-450-1L with a wingspan of 4.80ft and a centerline chord length of 3.13ft. The model data is given by a set of unstructured surface grid data points fromtriangular panels(Fig.2).10
2. 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 0
3. In June 2007, the X-48B 2% scale model of the BWB-450-1L was tested at the Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC) 16T wind tunnel. The test was called TF1038 under the AEDC designation system. As a result of this test, sufficient data was generated to develop a transonic aerodynamic database for vehicle lift, drag, and moment coefficients vs. angle of attack and Mach number.15The data set used for this analysis was collected at Mach numbers ranging from 0.5 to 0.85 and MAC based Reynolds numbers of 10 million. Complete details of the AEDC T1038 test are given in Ref. 15. Results for vehicle CL, CM, CD, and drag polars vs. Mach number are shown inFig. 6. Figure 6: Vehicle baseline aerodynamic coefficientsfrom AEDC 16Ttransonic windtunnel test.
4. Fig. 11;With Fun
5. Ref. 16 indicates that for a Reynolds number range between 107and 109,the values m = 7 and K= 0.030 maybe used. The resulting relationship between Reynolds number and skin friction coefficient cfis shown in Fig. 12 as a blue line. To account for compressibilityeffects, additional corrections to Hoerner's skin friction drag relations have beenapplied based onfree streamMach number17-19,where f fcom c