1. Theoretical AerodvnamicForces and Moments on a Bomb in Vicinity of an AircraftWing at Subsonic Mach Numbers CAL Report GC-910-C-S/1956 Ref. 2 F.D. Fernandes
2. A Method for Predicting Three Degrees of Freedom Store SeparationTrajectoriesat Speedsup to the Critical Speed AFFDL-TR-81/1974 Ref. 4 R. Deslandes
3. Load Predictions for External Stores on Fighter Airplanes MBB-UFE-1226/1976 Ref. 5 A. Cenko; I.D. Waskiewicz;J.E. de longh
4. Application of Panel Methods to External Stores at Supersonic Speeds Joumal of Aircraft,Vol. 20, No. 2,1983 -/ Ref. 6 J. Steger; F.C. Dougherty; I.A. Benek