1. 1Shimoda, M., Iwasa, K. and Azegami, H. "A Shape Optimization Method for the Optimal Free-form Design of Shell Structures", Proceedings of 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization [CD-ROM], edited by H.C. Rodrigues, J. M. Guedesetal., Lisbon, 2009.
2. 2Shimoda, M. "Optimal Free-form Design of Shell Structures Involving a Natural Frequency Problem", EVOLUTIONARY AND DETERMINISTIC METHODS FOR DESIGN, OPTIMIZATION AND CONTROL, [CD-ROM], edited by C. Poloni, D. Quagliarella etal.CIRA, Capua, 2011, pp.17-28.
3. Analysis and optimization of prismatic plate and shell structures with curved planform—II. Shape optimization
4. Efficient shape parametrisation for automatic design optimisation using a partial differential equation formulation