1. Karpel, M., Shousterman, A. Maderuelo, C. Anguita, L., and Climent, H. "Dynamic Gust Response with Nonlinear Control Using Frequency Domain Models", Paper IF-107,Proceedings of the International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, Seattle, Washington, June 2009.
2. Teufel, P., and Kruse, M. "Efficient Method for Coupling Discrete Gusl Loads Analysis in the Frequency Domain with Fully Non-Linear Flight Control System Simulations", Paper IF-013,Proceedings of the International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2007.
3. Karpel, M., Feldgun, V., Moulin. B. "Dynamic Response of Aeroelastic Systems Using Fast Fourier Transforms," Paper IF049,Proceedings ofthe International Forumon AeroelasticityandStructural Dynamics, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2007.
4. Karpel, M. "Increased-Order Modeling Framework for Nonlinear Aeroservoelastic Analysis", PAPER IF-073,Proceedings of the International Forumon Aeroelasticityand Structural Dynamics, Paris, France, June 2011.