1. 2Hansen, S. M. and Jensen, D. W. "Influence of Consolidation and Interweaving On Compression Behavior of IsoTruss™ Structures," Proceedings of the Design and Nature 2004 Conference, Rhodes, Greece, Jun.28-30,2004. Also published in Transactionsof WessexInstitute,online, ISSN: 1744-7151.
2. Suppression of splitting and impact sensitivity of unidirectional carbon-fibre composite rods using tensioned overwind
3. 6Embley, M. D., Jensen, D. W., Allen, D. N., Garvin, C., and Jensen, M. J. "Buckling Strength of Damaged Unidirectional Basalt CompositeRods Consolidated with Braided Sleeves,"SampeTECH Conference, Fort Worth,TX, Oct. 2011,12pp.