1. for 8speCtratio 4.01- 1W lower than Ref. 11predictionswhich include wingsection thicknessbut noboundary layer effects. Discrepancies between theexperimental and calculated valuesin the wing tip region result from arevolved section tipof the modelin contrast toa rectangular tip employed for the calculations. Furthermore, formation of a tipvortex onthe upper surface of thewingwdsevident,and none of the calculation techniques can account forthistip flow structure.Calculated andmeasured chordqise prersure distributionsfor wingaspect ratios of 4, 3.and 2 wen compared and favorable agreement wasobtained.
2. BasicConfiguration-Twobasic configurationswereemployed for investigatingjetposition influences onawingof upctratio 4.mennt configurationisawingat angleof attack with zerojet angle. and the second isa wing atzero angleofattack with non-zerojet angle.
3. The
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