1. 2 7 1 1NOV89 1 Callisto/Out 1 6346 1 -10 1 Rotation, Occultation, Wake
2. Over the next several months, all Orbiter subsystems and science instruments will be delivered to the JPL Spacecraft Assembly Facility (SAF). They will first be electrically integrated and tested while fabrication of the flight structure is completed. Final mechanical assembly will be performed when the structure is delivered to SAF early in 1984.
3. The Galileo Probe is already essentially built and undergoing system testing at the manufacturer, Hughes Aircraft Company in El Segundo, California. Hughes built the Probe under a systems contract from NASA/Ames Research Center. The Probe will be delivered to SAF this fall. The combined Orbiter/Probe Spacecraft will undergo environmental testing at JPL for four months in mid-1984 and then from October 1984 to October 1985 a contingency period exists as a result of the delay to the May 1986 launch opportunity. This contingency period will be used for Spacecraft "burn-in" and qualification of selected spares on the Spacecraft. Final calibrations and shipping preparations will occur in the last quarter of 1385 and the combined Spacecraft will be shipped to KSC in January 1986. In contrast to past practice, Spacecraft activities at the launch site are to be absolutely minimized-this Project "ship-and-shoot" policy will minimize the relocation of personnel and equipment for the launch.