1. Thin-film thermocouples and strain-gauge technologies for engine applications
2. 4D.Anson,D.W.Richerson,"TheBenefitsandChallengesoftheUseofCeramicsinGasTurbines,"Progressin Ceramic Gas Turbine Development,Volume 1-Ceramic Gas Turbine Design and Test Experience,edited by M.van Roode, M.K. Ferver, D.W. Richerson, ASMEPRESS, New York, 2002,pp. 1-10.
3. 5B.Schenk,M.L.Easley,D.W.Rickerson,"EvolutionofCeramicTurbineEngineTechnologyatHoneywellEngines, Systems & Services,"Progress in Ceramic GasTurbine Development,Volume 1- Ceramic GasTurbine Designand Test Experience,edited by M.vanRoode, M.K. Ferver, D.W. Richerson, ASME PRESS, New York, 2002, pp. 77-110.