1. where, 0 = (1 -7 )/(C1 - 1 t PK/PE)) (8)
2. exactly as was done above. Substituting E uations 7-9 into Equation 4,
3. also given t o Or. W. M. Roquenlore and his collegues l e t ['ominant Condition o f 1 kg/s o f the United State A i r Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories for providing published and unpublished experiirental data used i n this study. The authors wish to express their appreciation to NASA Lewis Research Center for support o f a good part o f this study under NASA HOST Contract No. NAS3-23524, and to Dr. E. IMularz, the NASA Prograni F!onitor. Finally, the authors wish i t t o be known that the opinions expressed are personal and are not necessarily those o f any o f the organizations or persons referred to above.REFERENCES
4. Gossan. A.O. and Ideriah. F.T.K. "TEACH-2E: A (unnumbered), June 1976.