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2. J-D. Gayrard, "SkyLAN: a cluster of geostationary satellites based on inter-satellite links", CNES Workshop on Intersatellite Links, Toulouse France, 27-28Nov. 2003
3. J-D. Gayrard, T. Zein-Alabedeen, A. Cotellessa, G. Gallinaro, B. Perrot, E. Bertenyi, " SkyLAN: a cluster of geostationary satellites for broadband communications", AIAA 22ndICSSC, Monterey, USA, 9-12May 2004.
4. P. Takats, A. Shoamanesh, W. Chen, A. Cotellessa "ESA SkyLAN: The Canadian Team's GEO Satellite Cluster", AIAA 22ndICSSC, Monterey, USA, 9-12May 2004.
5. J.D. Gayrard, P. Agnieray, "Study and definition of an optical Intersatellite Link within a satellite cluster" 35th Congress of the IAF, oct. 7-13, 1984, Lausanne Switzerland.