1. .about in• omprie:sible nw of a ft"e jet .agains.t a Largeplane sud-ce- ( 15-17}. The sta.g.nation-polnt he.flt flux as a funec.ion. of the free stream ce 1;1.p-era.tu:re is cakula.t.ed according to Equation (1) for dlffr·rent values. of th.e a.rgcm D1a$S- fh'!I.I rac"' .and Is plotted io Fig. 2+ Also :Sh\l'l,fflin the .figure, ate the cxpedi=itnt.a.1 results dassUL-ed iR ten:'1$ of the .ra.ass flow- to the plasma torch, It ls inter-e9t-ing to nutlce th-'.l.t. for small flow rates cxccllc-nt:i!gre-e:cent l:H!!'e-e-n the- ths-oretic,al pr-edic.tlons and the e;x.po?riOlontal result. is established. At: large i:1111.sflov rates to the torch coo:sider-able u (cm/sec) '
2. 22 Lam. 427 161 Trana 617 395 "".('urb. 7}7 1820 ?urb.
3. Eckerc. E.R.G, uE:r:perimcnc.al Anode Heat- 'Iran"J-fer Studic 1:1 in a Co 8)c1a.1 Arc Configuration/• AI.AAJournal, Vol.6. No, 8, 1. pp.1482-1481•67.
4. dtt'eC:t MeasJJrf!lments of the AnO