1. All of the above configurations can result from either a sharp leading edge wrth an attached shock, or a blunt leading edge with a detached shock wave. Configuration C does not exist for axisymmetric f 1ows . For sharp Iea di 119 edge in 1et s , the capture mass flow corresponds to the inlet a re a and the f low a t the 1ea d ing edge is c._ ____ __J C J
2. dT2 -2- ( 10) The first de r i vat l ves of the dependent variable f, with respect to time T,re obtained directly from Eqs. J. The second derivatives are obtained by differentiating these equations with respect to X, Y and T and thenrearranging the terms.
3. The Supersonic Blunt-Body Problem - Review and Extension
4. for Supersonic Flosi of an Ideal Gas around Bfunt Two-Dimensional Bodies," NASA TN D-791, July 1961. 11.