1. van der WallB. G. “2nd HHC Aeroacoustic Rotor Test (HART II), Part I: Test Documentation,” DLR, German Aerospace Research Center Inst. Rept. IB-111-2003/31, Brunswick, Germany, 2003.
2. van der WallB. G.BurleyC. L. “2nd HHC Aeroacoustic Rotor Test (HART II), Part II: Representative Results,” DLR, German Aerospace Research Center Inst. Rept. IB-111-2005/03, Brunswick, Germany, 2005.
3. Prediction of Rotor Structural Loads with Comprehensive Analysis
4. Calculation of Rotor Blade-Vortex Interaction Airloads Using a Multiple-Trailer Free-Wake Model
5. Correlation of Aeroelastic Response and Structural Loads for a Rotor in Descent