1. Performance of the Forward Scattering SpectrometerProbeinNASA'sIcingResearchTunnel, Hovenac, E.,and Ide, R., NASA TM101381, AIAA89-0769.
2. Repeatability of ice shapes in the NASA Lewis Icing Research Tunnel
3. TotalTemperature(°F) DropletSize(nm) Airspeed(mph) Angle-Of-Attack (deg) FlapSetting(deg) BootCycle(minutes) 0,5,28, 30,32, 40, 99, 160 125, 163, 195 -2,0,2,4 0, 10, 20 none,7,3,6 Table 4. Leading-edgetemperatureprofile measured 75secondsafter startoficingsprayat 0°Fand 28°F