Low-Earth-Orbit Packing: Implications for Orbit Design and Policy


Lifson Miles1ORCID,Arnas David2ORCID,Avendaño Martín3,Linares Richard1


1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

2. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907

3. Complutense University of Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain


As more and more operators propose and deploy large constellations, the finite orbital volume in low Earth orbit (LEO) is becoming increasingly congested. Over the last several years, we have been developing a proposal for LEO orbital coordination that uses carefully designed slots in nested concentric shells to avoid the potential for hazardous close approaches between participating spacecraft in their mission orbit. Such a slotting structure provides several benefits, including a reduction in orbital risk, clear analytic tools to understand the opportunity costs associated with a particular shell and slot design, and methods to assess and improve the efficiency with which operators make use of LEO. This paper offers a high-level description of key findings from our previous work on shell design under orbital perturbations and slot reconfiguration, with an emphasis on applications for assessing the efficiency of orbital use. It then explains how these methods could be used for a variety of policy and regulatory purposes, including assessing the efficiency of orbital use, remaining potential admissible slot locations that preserve compatibility, and the efficacy of capacity-expanding measures. Various potential implementation pathways for slotting are presented and compared. Several best practices for safe and efficient constellation design are proposed.


Tactical Technology Office

Air Force Office of Scientific Research

MIT Portugal Partnership 2030

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

Reference28 articles.

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2. The ITU and Managing Satellite Orbital and Spectrum Resources in the 21st Century

3. AnilkumarA.AoyamaS.Baseley-WalkerB.BilimoriaK.CurranC.DreesK.GiorgiD.GrenecheE.HetrickR. B.JingM.et al. “Space Traffic Management Final Report,” International Space Univ., Beijing, China, 2007.

4. Development of an Architecture of Sun-Synchronous Orbital Slots to Minimize Conjunctions

5. Slot Architecture for Separating Satellites in Sun-Synchronous Orbits








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