1. Parameters Configurations Concepts τ Splan Ip Istr ICI
2. The above studies clearly indicate the limitations of applying SUBORB-TRANSCOST directly to particularly the TGV rocket design. In order to apply this code efficiently to the TGV rocket design, the model needs to be improved by including that the airframe development cost and the assumed pre-launch cost require adjustment. In addition, SUBORB-TRANSCOST is currently taking Reference 29 (based on cost data published until 2003) into account; the additional revised 2003-2005data needtobe added.
3. 1Huang, X. "A Prototype Computerized Synthesis Methodology for Generic Space Access Vehicle (SAV) Conceptual Designs," PhD dissertation,TheUniversity ofOklahoma, May,2006.
4. Conceptual Design Assessment of a Suborbital Tourist Space Access Vehicle (SAV)