1. E. W. Miner, E. C. Anderson, and C. H. Lewis. "A Computer Program for Two-Dimensional and Axisymmetric Nonreacting Perfect Gas and Equilibrium Chemically Reacting Laminar, Transitional, and/or Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows". Technical Report VPI-E-71-8, Virginia Polytechnical Institute, May 1971.
2. E. C. Anderson and J. N. Moss. "Numerical Solution of the Hypersonic Viscous-Shock-Layer Equations for Laminar, Transitional, and Turbulent Flows of a Perfect Gas Over Blunt Axially Symmetric Bodies". NASA TN D-7865, February 1975.
3. T. J. Coakley. "Turbulence Modeling Methods for the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations". AIAA Paper 83-1693, July 1983.
4. Behavior of turbulent flow near a porous wall with pressure gradient