1. Fenyes, P.A. (2000), "Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization of Automotive Structures - A Parametric Approach," AIAA-2000-4706, Proceedings of the 8th AIAA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, LongBeach,CA, 6-8, 2000.
2. Fenyes, P.A., Donndelinger, J.A. and Bourassa, J.F. (2002), "A New System for Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization," AIAA-2002-5509, Proceedings of the 9th AIAA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, Atlanta, GA,September 4-6,2002.
3. Fenyes, P.A. and Donndelinger, J.A. (2003), "Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization of Vehicle Architectures with Business Considerations," Proceedings of the 2003 International iSIGHT Automotive Conference, Southfield, MI, 20-21, 2003.
4. Gu, X. and Fenyes, P.A. (2004), "Application of the Integration Framework for Architecture Development for Conceptual Vehicle Design," AIAA-2004-4315, Proceedings of the 10th AIAA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis andOptimization, Albany, NY, 30 -September1, 2004.
5. Donndelinger, J.A. and Fenyes, P.A. (2004) "Application of Math-Based Marketing and Financial Tools in an Automated Conceptual Design Framework," DETC2005-84852, Proceedings of ASME2005 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Long Beach, CA, 24-28, 2005.