1. Acharacteristic of the FRD technique is that during frequency scans, which are needed for characterizing iodine cells, the change in frequency of the host laser is not completely continuous with respect to the change in the seed laser. This is because the cavity resonance signal does not depend solely on the cavity resonance condition, but is also affected by the temporal response of the flash-lamp-induced optical gain of the host Nd:YAG rod. Thus, a peak in the cavity resonance signal will occur at a time slightly different than that corresponding to the resonance conditiondue to the temporal nature ofthe flash lamp pulse. However, the error in host laser frequencycanbe easily characterized and corrected. Details of the mechanism causing the error, and the correction technique, can be found inMcKenzie et al (2004).10
2. In the
3. r (mm) Figure 9
4. The authors would like to thank the U. S. Air Force, Arnold Engineering Development Center, for sponsoring this workunder contract no. F40600-03-C-0008.