1. After apreliminarytestseriesatPalaiseauCenter,thefirst testserieswas realized in S4MA facility in December 1970(Ref. 14).The conditions for each test are giveninTable 3.
2. 139 141 141 142 143 144 144 -1 -2
3. 139 141 141 142 143 144 144 -1 -2
4. bustion efficiency (0.94),it waspossibleto obtain interestingperformances in theMach number range 5-7 (Fig.25).
5. Asecond test series was realized in June and October 1972. The new combustor was extended in length: cylindrical part + 56% and divergent part + 30% (Fig. 26). At the same time,the cut separating the combustor and the air-supplying nozzle was put forward 50 mm in order to avoid interaction between combustion and thrust measure.