1. 1Cardinal, J. W., O'Donoghue, P. E., Anderson, C. E., Jr.,and Kanninen, M. F. "Structural Failure Analyses of Filament Wound Pressurized Cylinders Subject to Continuous Wave Laser Irradiation," Air Force Weapons Lab. Technical Rep. AFWL-TR-87-48, Kirtland AFB, NM,June,1988.2Tamm,M.A."CompositeBottleFailurebyElongatedSpotCWLaserIrradiation LTH-1 Lethality Enhancement Study," Naval Research Lab. , Washington, D. C., NRL Memo.Rep. 6248,Aug.10,1988.
2. Effect of Elastic Constants on Stress In A Composite Under Plane Deformation
3. Discussion: “Edge-Bonded Dissimilar Orthogonal Elastic Wedges Under Normal and Shear Loading” (Bogy, D. B., 1968, ASME J. Appl. Mech., 35, pp. 460–466)
4. Edge-Bonded Dissimilar Orthogonal Elastic Wedges Under Normal and Shear Loading
5. On the problem of edge-bonded elastic quarter-planes loaded at the boundary