1. ^artindale, W. R. "Test Results from NASA Rockwell International Space Shuttle Test (OH4B) Conducted in the AEDC-VKF Tunnel B," AEDC-DR-74-8, Jan.1974.
2. 2Dye, W. H. "Results of Heat Transfer Test of a 0.0175-Scale Space Shuttle Orbiter 104BModel (Modified 22-0)in the NASA/Ames Research Center 3.5-Foot Hypersonic Wind Tunnel (Test }H26],UNASA CR-151380, Oct. 1977.
3. 3Harthun, M. H. "Orbiter Entry Heating Analysis-OCR Report," Rockwell International, Rept. SAS-AAT-79-048, Feb.1979.
4. 4"SpaceTransportationSystemTechnologySymposium,Vol.I:Aero-thermodynamics and Configurations," NASA TM X-52876, July 197Q.
5. Engineering flowfields and heating rates for highly swept wing leading edges