1. its frequency range and the photodiode output was recorded and compared to the theoretical absorption spectrum based on frequency and number density. The laser frequency was adjusted to be centered at the midpointofabsorptionlocatednear18789.28cm1(seeRef7). Minorpulse-to-pulsevariationsinfrequency werethendeterminedbasedontherelativeintensitybetweenthetwointegratedphotodiodesignals.
2. On
3. calculation u = 1.80-3.47m/s ref u = 468.4-43.1m/s T =300.8-0.7K ref T = 261.9-9.0 K
4. Figures 9 on the next page parts (a) through (c) show the mean profiles for flow speed, density, and temperature, respectively. Results from the center of the jet match the equivalent isentropic predictions well, and the core of the jet expands and decelerates as it travels downstream. For an equivalent, perfectly expandedjetthesonicflowconditionsusedforcomparisonare: u=312.2m/s,T=242.3K,andρ=1.43Kg/m3The fluctuating parameters were an order of magnitude higher than predictions and did not accurately describe the turbulent wake. The fluctuating parameters will be investigated further in experiments using a cleaner air supplybeginningin2006.