1. 1Kelley, N., Shirazi, M., Jager, D., Wilde, S., Adams, J., Buhl, M., Sullivan, P., and Patton, E. “Lamar Low-Level Jet Project Interim Report,” Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-500-34593, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, January 2004.
2. 2Kelley, N. D., Jonkman, B., Scott, G., Bialasiewicz, J., and Redmond, L. “The Impact of Coherent Turbulence on Wind Turbine Aeroelastic Response and Its Simulation,” Tech. Rep. NREL/CP 500-38074May 2005, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, May 2005, Presented at WindPower 2005, Denver,CO.
3. 3Kelley, N. D. and Jonkman, B. J. “Overview of the TurbSim Stochastic Inflow Turbulence Simulator,” Tech. Rep. NREL/EL-500-36971, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, September 2005.
4. 4Jonkman, B. and Buhl, M. L. “TurbSim User’s Guide,” Tech. Rep. NREL/EL-500-36970, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, September 2005.
5. Initial Studies of Low-Order Turbulence Modeling of the Wind Turbine In-Flow Environment