Optimization of the Aerodynamic Plasma Actuator as an Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) Electrical Device


Roth J. Reece1,Dai Xin1


1. University of Tennessee


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Reference70 articles.

1. TeflonTM2160 2.1 11.2kV/mm 0.0001 0.00021 DuPont Quartz 2200 5 25kV/mm 0.00001 0.00005 CEVPLtd. AluminumOxide 3700 9.4(1MHz) 15kV/mm 0.0004 0.00376 KYOCERA Glass 2600 3.8 10kV/mm 0.004 0.0152 MatWeb LexanTM1190 2.9(1MHz) 16kV/mm 0.0085 0.02465 GE Plastics Mica 2800 4~9 25kV/mm 0.0013 0.0052~0.0117 McMaster Pyrex®glass 2530 4.1(1MHz) 15kV/mm 0.005 0.0205 Corning PCBoard 1690 5 16.8kV/mm 0.005 0.025 DuPont Bakelite 1420 5~22 24kV/mm 0.02 0.1~0.44 MatWeb

2. GaroliteG10/FR4 1820 5.2 20kV/mm(62mil) 0.0048 0.025 K-mac plastics

3. Garolite®G7 1680 4.2 15kV/mm(62mil) 0.00071 0.003 K-mac plastics

4. 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

5. To assure operation as a OAUGDP®, it is necessary to observe the visual appearance of the plasma, whether consisting of fine microfilaments like the Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD), a uniform appearance like that of the OAUGDP®, or consisting of coarse filaments or streamers, like filamentary mode plasmas. Another diagnostic distinctionisthefunctionaldependenceoftheplasma inputpoweron RMSvoltage. This functionaldependenceisa cubic power law for the OAUGDP® [see ref. 12, Fig. 12.27] and in some instances, such as Figure 14, for the filamentaryregime as well [see ref.12, Eq.12-123].








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