1. Pruett,C.D., Wolf,H., Heck,M.L. andSiemers,P.M. 111, "An Innovative Air Data Systemfor the Space Shuttle Orbiter: Data Analysis Techniques," AIAA Paper 81-2455, presented at the AIAA lSt Flight Testing Conference,Nov. 11-13,198 1.
2. Walberg, G.D., Siemers, P.M. 111, Calloway, R.L. and Jones, J.J. "The Aeroassist Flight Experiment," Paper 14-87-197 presented at the 3 International AstronauticalFederationCongress,October 10-17,1987.
3. Cheatwood,EM., DeJarnette,F.R. and Hamilton, H.H. "Geometrical Description for a Proposed Aeroassist FlightExperimentVehicle,"NASATM87714,July 1986.