1. We assume that Eqs. (16) and (17) may also be used for the case of the evaporating droplet. At high Reynolds numbers, when Nu, >> 2, Eqs. (E), (lo), and (17) predict the&fhe vaporization rate varies as 6 BT (1 + BT)- The latter result is in qualitative agreement vith the experimental data by Renksizbulut and Yuen [231 for water, methanol and heptane droplets in the range of 25 2. BT 3 (1 + BN)4 - 1 Return to step (5) if IBT - BT01dl < e , where L is the desired accuracy of BnumLr evaluation. 7. Calculate the heat penetrating into the liquid
3. 2 V - U (1- 2r /rs) sin 8,