1. The resonator was tuned to a frequency of 1210 Hz as discussed previously. Apparently, the simple increased third mode damping coefficient (was 11to 79 Ilsec) is insufficient to dampen the motor. The motor was pulsed as usual at 1.0 sec and went unstable immediately. tinuously reaching approximately 3200 psi at 1.7 set, then decreased to the end of firing. Pressure amplitudes as high as 1900 psi (peak-to-peak) are reached, at a frequency which changes continuously but eventually stabilizes, at approximately 16-1700 Hr.
2. of 500 and 2000 psi witb the aluminized and smoke
3. -Devices for Solid Rocket Combustion Stability", 30 April 1973, Contract FO4611-72-C-0080, to AFRPL, Edwards, Calif.