1. Sandra Hayden is Principal Investigator and Project Manager of the Livingstone on EO-1 (LEO-1) Infusion Experiment, and a Group Manager for QSS Group Inc. Founded the QSS Software Process Improvement Network and lead CMMi pre-appraisals of selected QSS tasks. Architected and developed Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) for reusable launch vehicles (RLVs), under the Space Launch Initiative program. Ames Project Manager, under the Next Generation LaunchTechnologyprogram, for the PITEXproject (PropulsionIVHM Technology Experiment for X-vehicles), an IVHM application for the X-34 RLV Main Propulsion System. Her interests include model-based diagnosis and flight-critical systems. Prior experience is on software engineering for large, mission and safety-critical Ada software systems such as the Canadian Automated Air Traffic System (CAATS) and a 1553 System Data Bus for a submarine; and operations software for undersea diamond mining. Ms Haydenreceived anMS inComputer Science fromSimon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.