1. Mars Exploration Entry, Descent, and Landing Challenges
2. High Mass Mars Entry, Descent, and Landing Architecture Assessment
3. Dwyer-CiancioloA. M.DavisJ. L.KomarD. R.MunkM. M.SamarehJ. A.PowellR. W.ShidnerJ. D.StanleyD. O.WilhiteA. W.KinneyD. J.McGuireM. K.ArnoldJ. O.HowardA. R.SostaricR. R.StudakJ. W.ZumwaltC. H.LlamaE. G.CasolivaJ.IvanovM. C.ClarkI.SenguptaA. “Entry, Descent and Landing Systems Analysis Study: Phase 1 Report,” NASA, Tech. Rept. TM-2010-216720, July 2010.
4. DrakeB. G. (ed.), “Human Exploration of Mars: Design Reference Architecture 5.0,” NASA SP-2009-566, 2009.
5. Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Performance Trades for Mars Pinpoint Landing