1. 1. Data Processinq for the continuation o f data reduction. For each one, squared amplitudes r, and r,of S, and S, and the cross-spectrum component I, are calculated as a function o f t (or 0). The total level L, of the harmonics and i t s coherent level L, i.e. the sum of the intensities o f all the modes, are given respectively by:
2. ber (also see the appendix and Figure 8c). The predicted modes m = 6 - 9.j (m = -24,15, t21) loo are clearly identified i n the range -mcs m 6 tm, 90 scale). LCoh remains very close to LTot and the best fit regression line for L, i s i n 74.2.log(N/N0), which i s slightly higher than the classical dipolar law in the sixth power of the speed. The main result i s displayed i n Figure 15b where the measured propagative modes at BPF are checked for each rotation speed (with a linear scale i n N). In the figure caption, the maximum LHax refers to each wave-number spectrum (i.e. each N). Several items may be underlined.