1. ONICE2D and DROP3D SLD Capability Assessment
2. 2N.G.Garcia,P.Villedieu,J.Dewitte,G.Laver gne,"A n ewdroplet-wallinte raction model",ICLASS06-167.
3. 3W.B.Wright,M.G.Potapczuck,"Semi-Empiri cal M odel ingofSLD phys ics", AIAA-2004-0412.
4. Modelling and experiment of impingement and atomization of a liquid spray on a wall
5. 5M. Papadakis, A. Rachman, S. C. Wong, H. Yeong, K. E. Hung, G. T. Vu, and C. S. Bidwell. "Water droplet impingement on simulated glaze, mixed and rime ice accretions". Technical Report NASA/TM-2007-213961,NASA, October 2007