Master Plan for prediction of vehicle interior noise




1. Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Reference191 articles.

1. Constrained layer damping (111-114) for the Structure or radiation damping(101-1.03) to the external field may be treated theoretically when they are important. There is some experimental confirmation for the existing theoretical models.

2. These have been infreque t y use although the underlying theory is knom.1tf1-142 One m y expect (hope?) for their greater use i n the future. Summary of Analytical Methods for Noise Transmission

3. owell( m ) , and a i c a i t is(116,117), craggsbl 8, t197, Wolf(120-123), etytClz 6)and others, are given. The model is based upon a knowledge of the (uncoupled) in vacuum structural modes and rigid wall acoustic modes of the structural and acoustic components, respectively. Once these are known, the model allows for full coupling between the structural wall and acoustic cavity. It is B logical extension of and improvement upon the method of Cockburn and Jolly.

4. Selection of mass, stiffness and damping of structural walls to reduce interior noise levels. This general cate ry includes the interesting ideas of Sen Gupta(91,957 on tuned structures as well as the possibility of tuning or mis-tuning structural and coustic resonances t o achieve noise reduction (1718. See t e annotated literature in the Bibliography. (91,92y Key Questions

5. Based upon advances described in the literature, (94-142) the best available answers t o these questions are as follows:

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