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3. Detonation pulse engine
4. This work was funded by the U.S. Air Force under contractF33615-93-C-2348. Theauthorswouldliketo thankLt.James ClegernandCol.John Corneyofthe U.S. Air Force, and Mr. Robert PeggofNASA Langley for theirSUPPOK. In additionthe authors would like to thank Dr. Randy Chue, Dr. Harold Beeson, and the staffat NASAWSTFfortheiresistance. Knystautus,R,Guirao,C., Lee,J.H., and Sulmistras,A. "MeasurementsofCellSize in Hydrocarbon-Air Mixtures and Predictions of Critical Tube Diameter, Critical Initiation Energy, and Detonability Limits," Dynamics of Shock Waves, Explosions, and Detonations, Progress in Aeronautics and Astronautics, Volume94,AIM,1983. Shchelkin, KL., SovietPhysicsJournal of Expdrimental and TechnicalPhysics, Vol. 10,p. 823.