1. 1Strawa, A. W., Chapman, G. T., Canning, T. N., and Arnold, J. O. "The Ballistic Range and Aerotherhodynamic Testing," AIAA88-2015,15th AerodynamicTestingConference, San Diego, CA, May18-20, 1988.
2. 2Yee, L.,Bailey, H.E.,andWoodward,H.T."BallisticRangeMeasurementsofStagnation-PointHeatTransferin Airandin Carbon DioxideatVelocitiesupto 18,000FeetPer Second,"NASA TND-777, March1961.
3. 3Dale L. Compton and David M. Cooper, "Free-Flight Measurements of Stagnation-Point Convective Heat Transfer at Velocitiesto41,000 ft/sec,"NASA TND-2871,June1965.
4. Boundary-layer transition experiments on pre-ablated graphite nosetips in a hyperballistics range