1. DFRCbegan collecting tail-chase tracking data on an instrumented F-104 airplane in 1968, and since then has performed over 500 tracking runs on the F-104, F-111A, F-8A, F-8C, and F-5A aircraft. Results of these studies were reported in References 2 and 3. In 1974the AFFTC conducted the lightweight fighter prototype evaluation program in which gunsight tracking data were obtained on the YF-16 and YE-17 aircraft. DFRC was invited to participate in this program, which provided insight into the increased capabilities (and potential problems) of this new generation of fighter aircraft. References 4 and 5 report the results of this evaluation. Since the lightweight fighter evaluation, DFRC has conducted tracking programs on the F-111 transonic aircraft technology (TACT) aircraft (an F-111A aircraft with a supercritical wing) and the YF-17 and F-15 aircraft, adding data for new configurations and aircraft with improved maneuvering performance to the existing data base. The AFFTC has reported results of a tracking study on the F-15 airplane in Reference 6.