1. Brown, W.H. and Ahuja, K.K. `Jet and Wing/Flap Interaction Noise' AIAA-84-2362
2. SenGupta, G. `Analysis of Jet-Airframe Interaction Noise' AIAA-83-0783
3. Head, R.W. and Fisher, M.J. `Jet/Surface Interaction Noise: Analysis of Farfield Low Frequency Augmentations of Jet Noise Due to the Presence of a Solid Shield' AIAA-76-502
4. Way, D.J and Turner, B.A `Model Tests Demonstrating Under-wing Installation Effects on Engine Exhaust Noise' AIAA-80-1048
5. Wang, M.E. `Wing Effect on Jet Noise Propagation' AIAA-80-1047