Professional prospects of modern teenagers


Ральникова Ирина Александровна,Гурова Ольга Сергеевна,Ипполитова Елена Александровна


Представлен научный взгляд на исследование профессиональных перспектив подростков как психологической системы. Профессиональные перспективы операционализированы в качестве представлений подростков о своем будущем в отношении профессионального становления и рассмотрены в единстве их ценностного, когнитивного, эмоционального, деятельностного планов. Результаты эмпирического исследования показали: 1) в основе построения профессиональных перспектив подростков лежат ценности сфер профессиональной деятельности, здоровья, саморазвития; 2) современные подростки ориентированы на планирование событий среднеудаленного будущего, периода от года до пяти лет; 3) подростки представляют свое профессиональное будущее в позитивном ключе; 4) в процессе активного становления находится процесс самоорганизации деятельности, навыков тактического планирования и стратегического целеполагания. A scientific view on the study of professional prospects of teenagers as a psychological system is presented. From the standpoint of the systematic approach, the dimensions of professional prospects have been determined: value-semantic, cognitive, emotional-evaluative, organizational-activity. The value-semantic dimension of professional prospects is a set of value and semantic formations of a person that determine the individual specifics of the process and result of future planning (values, value orientations, motives, personal meanings). The cognitive dimension of professional prospects is represented by a set of expected and planned events in the field of professional activity. The emotional-evaluative dimension is determined by the attitude of the person to the project of his own future, connected with the field of professional development. The organizational-activity dimension is represented by a set of styles, strategies, forms of human behavior in the present, determined by ideas about planned and expected events in the professional sphere. The results of the empirical research have shown that the values of professional activity, health and self-development are the basis for the construction of the career prospects of adolescents. Teenagers focus on planning events in the medium-distant future, a period from one to five years. During this period their professional prospects consist of such planned events as «pass exams», «finish school», «enroll in college/university». Teenagers are positive about the image of a professional future. It is attractive, realistic, stable, diverse, easy for them. Self-organization of the activities of adolescents is in the process of development, in this age period, skills of tactical planning and strategic goal-setting are actively formed. The study showed that the process of designing professional perspectives in adolescence is in the process of formation and modern teenagers cope successfully with the task of planning a professional future.


Tomsk State Pedagogical University


General Medicine

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