Kantoh Sociological Society
Reference14 articles.
1. Bauman, Zygmunt 1998 Globalization. Polity Press.=2010 澤田眞治・中井愛子(訳)『グローバリゼーション』法政大学出版局.
2. Collins, Harry and Evans, Robert 2007 Rethinking Expertise. The University of Chicago Press.=2020 奥田太郎(監訳)和田滋・清水右郷(訳)『専門知を再考する』名古屋大学出版会.
3. Dubreuil, G. H., Baudé, S., Lochard, J., Ollagnon, H. and Liland, A. 2020 “The EURANOS Cooperative Framework for Preparedness and Management Strategies of the Long-Term Consequences of a Radiological Event,” Radioprotection 45: S199–S213.
4. Girard, P. and Dubreuil, G. H., 1996 “Stress in Accident and Post-Accident Management at Chernobyl,” J. Radiol. Prot 16: 167–180.
5. 五十嵐泰正 2018『原発事故と「食」』中央公論新社.