Damage Mechanisms and Life Assessment of High-Temperature Components deals with the underlying causes of high-temperature failures and their effect on component life and reliability. The first few chapters develop the theory necessary to understand and analyze high-temperature damage phenomena, including fracture, creep, and fatigue. Various forms of embrittlement and corrosion are also addressed as are creep-fatigue, thermal fatigue, and welding defects. The chapters that follow discuss the practical implications of these phenomena, explaining how to assess damage and estimate the remaining service life of boiler tubes, turbine blades, reactor vessels, nozzles, and other components. Life-assessment procedures draw on a knowledge of design, material behavior, and nondestructive inspection techniques, which are covered as well. The book makes extensive use of data plots, diagrams, and images and includes many worked-out examples and case histories. It also serves as a ready source of material property data. For information on the print version, ISBN 978-0-87170-358-3, follow this link.
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