1. Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 1
Inkjet printing is extremely precise in terms of the ejected microdroplets (picoliter volume), contributing an unparalleled lateral resolution. Additionally, the benefits of high-speed deposition, contactless ink delivery, and the use of a range of ink materials endorse this technique as suitable for high-throughput 3D manufacturing. This article provides an overview of inkjet 3D printing (also referred to as 3D inkjetting). It then highlights the major components and accessories used in commercial and laboratory-based 3D inkjet printers. Next, the article describes the process physics of the transient phenomena involved in both binder-jetting- and direct-inkjetting-based 3D printing. It then discusses the scope and advantages of 3D inkjetting in the manufacturing of metallic, ceramic, and polymer-based biomaterials. The article also discusses several approaches and methodologies to examine the in vitro cytocompatibility and in vivo biocompatibility of both binder-jetted and direct-inkjetted scaffolds for biomedical applications. Finally, it discusses the challenges and troubleshooting methodologies in 3D inkjetting of biomaterials.