Dental pathologies in the nigerian local pigs (Sus scrofa)


Okandeji ME,Femi-Akinlosotu OM,Omotosho OO,Olopade JOORCID


Background: Dental pathologies are noticeable alterations or deviations from normal dental architecture and can be influenced by genetic or environmental factors. This present study aimed to identify and report the dental pathologies in the Nigerian local pig. Materials and methods: The cleaned skulls of 47 local pigs, aged between 3-51 months were assessed for observable dental abnormalities such as missing teeth, fractured teeth, persistent deciduous teeth, dental caries, dental calculus, and tooth rotation. Results: The study revealed that 98% of the skulls had dental attrition while 96% had stained teeth. About 66% had a least a missing tooth while 78% of adult skulls had at least one persistent deciduous tooth. Fractured tooth, dental calculus, dental caries, and tooth rotation were observed in 46.8%, 74.4%, 34% and 21.3%, respectively. The most common persistent deciduous tooth was the second maxillary incisor, whereas the most commonly missed tooth was the first mandibular premolar, which was bilateral in 75% of affected skulls. Dental calculus was not observed on skulls below 6 months, while the incisor tooth was the most affected tooth by dental attrition. Conclusions: The Nigerian local pig, like other breeds, is susceptible to and has dental pathologies. The data obtained from this study will be beneficial to farmers, as early detection of dental abnormalities will promote productivity and reduces economic losses in pig husbandry. It will also be useful to researchers, especially those using pigs in Nigeria as a model for translation research and comparative dental studies.


Peertechz Publications Private Limited


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering







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