1. 1. American Public Health Association (2005) Control of communicable diseases manual. 18th ed. Washington.
2. 2. WHO (2017) Fact sheet - Hepatitis B in the WHO European Region. Link: http://bit.ly/3uTAgcd
3. 3. WHO (2015) Guidelines for the prevention, care and treatment of persons with chronic hepatitis b infection. 166. Link: http://bit.ly/388nRHG
4. 4. Global Hepatitis Report (2017) Geneva: World Health Organization 2017. Link: http://bit.ly/3dh4iMY
5. 5. Abdi F, GhaffariNovin M, Afrakhteh M, Khorvash F (2015) Hepatitis B and pregnancy: An update review article. World J Obstet Gynecol 4: 1-8 Link: https://bit.ly/2OtAYMQ