1. 1. Leveson N (2011) Engineering a Safer World, The MIT Press.
2. 2. Japanese Standards Association (2017) JIS2304 Medical Device Software - - Software Life Cycle Process, Japanese Standards Associations.
3. 3. International Electro technical Commission (2006) ICE 62304 Medical Device Software, International Electro technical Commission. Link: https://bit.ly/2IODVVD
4. 4. International Electrotechnical Commission (2016) ICE 82304-1 Health Software - - Part 1: General Requirements for Product Safety, International Electrotechnical Commission. Link: https://bit.ly/35LWAdv
5. 5. International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (2008) GAMP5 A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP Computerized Systems, International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering.