Effects of Alysacrpus Monilifer fodder intake on feed consumption and performance of desert goats


Mohammed Alhadi Ebahiem,Mubaak Abdalla Ajabeldoor Izarig,Salah Abulgabar Salah Bukhari,Suleiman Eshag Abdalla Mohamed,Salah Basar Hammad Dahia,Adam Jumaa Hamid Hamdoun,Jumaa Barram Jadalla


This study was conducted to study the effects of the intake of the Alysacrpus Monilifera on dry matter intake, digestibility of nutrients and performance of Desert bucks. Twelve Desert goats bucks 4-5 years old with an average weight of 11 + 0.250 kg, were divided into three equal groups. The first group was fed A. Monilifera fodder, while the second group consumed the natural pasture free of A. Monilifera while the third group consumed the groundnut haulms. After observing the cases of deadly diarrhea in the first group, the feeding pattern was modified with 50% natural pasture and 50% A. Monilifer fodder. The fodder was analyzed as well as conducting in vitro digestibility. The experimental design was randomized and the data were analyzed using the analysis of variance and the detection of differences among means using least significant difference test. The results showed that feeding A. Monilifer alone resulted in fatal diarrhea in bucks without affecting appetite, and the dry matter digestibility and organic matter in vitro digestibility was significantly (P<0.05) higher in A. Monilifer than compared to the groundnut haulms or the natural grazing. The weight gain was significantly (P<0.05) higher for the group on groundnut haulms and the natural grazing than those on A. Monilifer alone but when 50% of the plant biomass was replaced by the natural grazing the gain was significantly higher. The study concluded that the intake of A. Monilifer at the growth stage was good quality roughage when fed as part of the diet.


Peertechz Publications Private Limited


Management of Technology and Innovation

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