Primary Cutaneous Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (PC-ALCL) is a CD30+ lymphoproliferative disease of the skin characterized by single or focal nodules or plaques that ulcerate over time. Diagnosis of PC-ALCL relies heavily on clinicopathological correlations because of the potential morphological, clinical, and molecular overlap with other cutaneous CD30+ LPDs. Histopathologic features include diffuse nonepidermotropic infiltrates with an adherent layer of large undifferentiated CD30+ tumor cells. The Exact incidence of PC-ALCL is not known partially because of the difficulty differentiating from the variety of CD30+ Lymphoproliferative disorders. Only a few cases are reported even from developed countries & reports from developing countries are lacking. We present a possible case of primary cutaneous Anaplastic Large cell Lymphoma in a 20 years old Female patient who presented with a 2 months history of lateral neck swelling.
Peertechz Publications Private Limited