Water Quality Management in Improving Freshwater Aquaculture: Interventions of KVK-Khordha


Pati B. K.,Sahoo P. R.,Ananth P. N.,Dash A. K.,Jayasankar P.


Adoption of Scientific Management Practices (SMPs) is imperative for increasing production and productivity in fish farming. From pond preparation to harvesting fish, the Research and Development Institutions have disseminated technologies and techniques for the benefit of farmers and it is understood that adoption varies from farmer to farmer based on their capacity, willingness and the robustness of the practice. Among the different SMPs in fish farming, water quality management is one of the key practices that determine the success of fish farming. This study was conducted with the objective of assessing the advisory role of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK)-Khordha in promoting water quality management practices through its soil and water testing laboratory. Twenty beneficiaries of the KVK from three districts of Odisha were selected for the study. The results indicated that majority of the farmers have never tested water samples before and tested for the first time at KVK. Further, the sources of information for testing water were found to be limited. The study also concluded that the major reason for testing water was towards understanding the manuring and fertilization schedule. Most of the farmers tested their water before stocking and also fully adopted the recommendations provided by KVK. The study suggests more intensive efforts by development agencies to organize different campaigns and use of the other extension methods to sensitize the adoption of water quality management practices with a larger impact.


Association of Aquaculturists

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