Standardization of Frying Operation for The Preparation of Fried Canned Products from Catla (<i>Catla catla</i>)


Das Nityananda,Chand B. K.,Dora. K. C.,Raychaudhuri Utpal


Catla pieces of length 10-11 cm and thickness 1.0-1.5 cm were treated with brine and spices. The pieces were fried at different temperature and time like 120°C for 5 to 22 minutes, 140°C for 4 to 12 minutes, 160°C for 3 to 10 minutes and 180°C for 2 to 10 minutes. The effect of variation in frying temperature and time on weight loss, moisture content, moisture loss of fried pieces, amount of exudate in the can and organoleptic characteristics of canned fish were studied to standardize frying operation. The highest weight loss (47.8%) was at 180°C for 10 minutes and the lowest (15.1 %) was at 120°C for 5 minutes. The highest moisture content of 74.0% and the lowest of 57.5% were recorded in the products fried at 120°C for 5 minutes and 180°C for 10 minutes, respectively. The moisture loss was same as that of frying loss and just opposite to that moisture content of fried pieces. The exudate contents with less than 5% of drained liquid were selected for organoleptic study. The fried pieces at 180°C for 3-10 minutes gave tough texture and lack in juiciness, at 120°C for 16-22 minutes gave faint fried flavour but 160°C at 6 minutes gave a distinct fried flavour, moderate in juiciness and acceptable in overall qualities. From the above study frying at 160°C for 6 minutes was standardized for the preparation fried canned products from catla.


Association of Aquaculturists

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